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鵝湖學誌:中國哲學及西方思想研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

On Wang Chuan-shan's Theory of the Human Heart Conforming to the Cosmic Principle (Li) and the Relationship between Inherent Nature of the Heart and Efforts to Cultivate Goodness
作者 陳祺助
This study analyzed Wang Chuan-shan's theory regarding the human heart and found that in effect the human heart conforms to the cosmic principle, or “Li” as it is called in Chinese philosophy. This concept is used to explore the relationship between the inherent nature of the human heart and efforts to cultivate goodness. First, the “disposition” in Wang Chuanshan's theory was analyzed; it was found that disposition itself is a principle. From the relationship between “Li” and heart, this study argues that the heart itself is part of Li in Wang's theory, which regards the heart and external objects as a unity. In addition, the efforts to cultivate goodness in Wang's theory were explored based on his ideas about the inherent nature of the heart, which elicited the argument that Wang was highly opposed to the theory that the heart is totally separated from the outside world. Wang' ideas concerning the efforts to cultivate goodness emphasize the importance of “sincere thinking”, which highly prizes the unification of heart and objects (noumenon and phenomena). Finally, such efforts of “unifying noumenon and phenomena” were briefly discussed, touching on the “way of unifying heart and mind”, “way of unifying heart and body”, and “way of unifying heart and objects.”.
起訖頁 203-249
關鍵詞 本體工夫heartnatureLi (cosmic principle)dispositionnoumenonefforts to cultivate goodness
刊名 鵝湖學誌:中國哲學及西方思想研究  
期數 201112 (47期)
出版單位 鵝湖月刊社
該期刊-上一篇 王船山《讀四書大全說.孟子序說》的心得──心性之分與合




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