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鵝湖學誌:中國哲學及西方思想研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A study of“kuang-yen”in the discourse of Seng-chao's philosophy
作者 盧桂珍
Many researchers esteemed Wang-Bi's theory about “forget the language and phenomenon in order to acquire the meaning” was the new method for establishing a metaphysics system. But few of these researchers paid adequate attention to Seng-chao's “kuang-yen” theory.Among the East Jin's scholars of prajna theory, Seng-chao was admired as “the best researcher to interpret sunya”. Seng-chao's achievement was based upon his unique theory of “kuang-yen”. “kuang-yen” is a special language which skips logicality and develops a infinite possibility of explanation. The expressive forms of “kuang-yen” include the demonstrative method “opposite definition” and the paradoxical methods of “dual exclusion” and “dual inclusion”. “kuang-yen” always appears to be confrontational semantically, so as to compel the reader to shake off the restriction of semantic content, and to conjecture the information besides the semantic content. Because the “kuang-yen” breaks through the form and model of language so it could completely display the utmost truths and compensate the limitedness of language when expressing truth. In fact, the paradoxical language form of “kuang-yen” has some delicate similarities with the Madhyamica's subtle theory of “dissipate the phenomenon and eliminate the persistence”. Seng-chao always used the “kuang-yen” as a language form to establish main propositions or narrate a single sentence. Therefore, as well as being a vehicle bearing theories, language itself could display the essence of philosophy through its form. So Seng-chao 's “kuang-yen” theory not only contributed to the deepening of Buddhism philosophy, but also had extraordinary linguistic meaning and value.
起訖頁 27-66
關鍵詞 僧肇狂言言意之辨詭辭般若性空Seng-chaokuang-yendistinguishing between language and meaningparadoxprajna and sunya
刊名 鵝湖學誌:中國哲學及西方思想研究  
期數 200212 (29期)
出版單位 鵝湖月刊社
該期刊-上一篇 論牟宗三先生對老子形上思想之定位
該期刊-下一篇 梁啟超對老子理解之商榷




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