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Effects of the Wind Environment on Street Characteristics
作者 邱英浩 (Yin-Hao Chiu)吳孟芳
本研究目的於探討不同街道尺度所產生之都市風場環境,研究的執行除現地量測,亦利用 計算流體力學(CFD,computation fluid dynamics)之數值模擬方法進行不同街道尺度之研究。研 究中首先藉由現地量測之數據與CFD中之數值進行比對,確定CFD之邊界條件設定及假設與實 驗接近,誤差為合理容許範圍後,即開始探討不同風速及街道尺度所形成之環境風場,分析之 內容包括街谷內流況,以及迎風面與背風面之建築物表面風壓係數分析、不同高度之室內平均 流量及風力通風效能,同時分析街谷之平均風速比,以了解不同街道尺度對街谷內風速之影 響,期望最終結果能成為建築設計及都市規劃之參考依據。
The goal of this investigation is to comprehend urban wind environments characterized by various street aspect ratios. This investigation uses field measurements and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The first step verifies CFDs data using field data. The validation procedure is used to confirm the setup for boundary conditions and determine whether assumptions fit reality. After confirming the reliability of the CFD result, parameter studies, including the wind environment resulting from various wind conditions, are conducted. Research data are the flow pattern inside a canyon, wind pressure distributions at the windward and leeward sides, and ventilation performance of buildings around the canyon. The average wind velocity inside the canyon is studied to elucidate the effects of street aspect ratio on the wind environment. The optimized analytical result provides general information for architectural and urban designers.
起訖頁 501-528
關鍵詞 都市風場街道尺度平均風速比計算流體力學室內通風效能Urban wind environmentStreet aspect ratioComputational fluid dynamicsIndoor ventilation performance
刊名 都市與計劃  
期數 201012 (37:4期)
出版單位 中華民國都市計劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 租戶結構對辦公大樓租金與空置率之影響




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