英文摘要 |
Since Taiwan urban planning did not concern residents' preference for urban landscape, the development of urban could not reflect residents' needs. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between residents' environmental attitudes and their preference of the city landscape. This study firstly general reviewed the history of Taichung city and then had a research on the structure of urban spaces according to the procedure of analyzing various professional maps. Twenty places were selected to be the cases for studying. Factor analysis was used to derive seven residents' environmental attitude dimensions. They were urban adaptation, pastoral leisure, nostalgic antiquarian, social communality, mechanical orientation, self-privacy, and environmental trust seven dimensions. According to the factor score, four groups of environmental attitude type: urbanism, conservation, antiquarianism and modernism were classified by cluster analysis. The main findings were: (1) The relationships of socio-demographic variable and cityscape preference showed that gender and occupations were partly related to the preference, while age, income, resident place had no significant correlation to cityscape preference. (2) The different groups of environmental attitude residents had different levels of preference toward the cityscape. The residents of generalist style had the most difference with the other groups. (3) The preference of cityscape showed significantly associated by landscape cognitive components. Friendliness and legibility had stronger association than naturalness and modernization to preference of cityscape. |