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The impact of political situation during the war of 'Dong Hun Hou' period
作者 許峻維
This paper discusses the impact of political situation during the war of'Dong Hun Hou' period. After Dong Hun Hou ascended the throne, helaunched the war against Bei wei. Dong Hun Hou 's inner cabinet includedthe old faction with those generals and officers who served previous Qi GaoDi/Qi Wu Di or Qi Ming Di and the new faction with those other generalsand officers who were promoted by Dong Hun Hou. Xiao Bao Juan, ChenXian Da, and Cui Hui Jing of the old faction and Xiao Yan participated inthis war. In Bei Wei’s side, Xiaowen Di commanded in person. Such a factshows the importance of this war, which is described as “Nan Xiang Battle”by the author of this paper according to where the battlefield is. There are afew books such as Nan Qi Shu and Wei Shu describing the Nan Xiang Battlebut still insufficient. Therefore, this paper attempts to further find somemissing pieces and the influences of the war. In summary, Nan Xiang Battledid split the cabinets of Dong Hun Hou 's party into rival factions andultimately destroyed his own dynasty.
起訖頁 81-100
關鍵詞 東昏侯政局蕭衍陳顯達崔慧景南鄉之役郢州之役建康之役Dong Hun Houpolitical situationXiao YanChen Xian DaCui Hui JingNan Xiang BattleYing Zhou BattleJiankang Battle
刊名 華岡史學  
期數 201312 (1期)
出版單位 中國文化大學史學研究所暨史學系
該期刊-上一篇 景平顧命輔臣開創「廢、弒、立」的新史例
該期刊-下一篇 武則天時期宰相人數變動過劇之因




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