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The Analysis of the Legislations for Maintaining Family Order in the Tang Code
作者 桂齊遜
Generally speaking, traditional Chinese law emphasized the etiquette of family relations and family sectionalism. This trend is obvious in Tang Code. I had analyzed the legislations for family ethics in the Tang Code in my book: Between national law and family etiquette-the legislations for family ethics in the Tang Code. I have found no matter what the legislations for maintaining family ethics, the lenient regulation on family benefits basis, when a family member broke the law, even all his family would be punished and when family members were accomplices, the head of a family was the only one who should be punished. All these aspects are presented the main goal that is ”families regulated, the states well governed; the states well governed, the whole world will be peace and tranquil.”It would be worth while to analyze the sequence of and its impact on the legislation family ethics in the Tang Code. These legislations can be divided into five categories: condemn for individual acts of violence between elder and junior, condemn for an act of violence between master and servant, condemn for incest, condemn for family members were accomplices and covered up a crime for a family member is not guilty. I have the last two categories analyzed in my book. In this research, I plan to research the rest of three categories. This paper leads to further discussion about issues on state legislation and regulation help to maintain family ethics in the Tang Code.
起訖頁 25-50
關鍵詞 唐律家內秩序立法規範禮教精神家族本位Tang Codefamily orderlegislationthe spirit of etiquettefamily Sectionalism
刊名 史學彙刊  
期數 201106 (27期)
出版單位 中國文化大學史學研究所暨史學系
該期刊-上一篇 演繹法治史之得失商榷
該期刊-下一篇 唐置西州後的高昌舊民




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