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A Study on the Namingtaboo under the Liao & Chin
作者 黃緯中
十世紀至十二世紀,契丹人和女真人先後在中國北方建立了遼帝國與金帝國,他們雖然在政治上和軍事上佔盡優勢,可是在文化方面,卻不得不接受漢文化的薰陶,終而走上了漢化之路,最後融入中華民族的大熔爐之中。避諱(Naming taboo)原是漢文化中一項極特殊的傳統。為表達對過世的父、祖之尊敬,避免在言語和行文時直接唸或寫出他們的名諱,稱為避諱。避諱早在孔子的時代即已有之,後來又擴大到對國君也應避諱,遂有國諱和家諱的分別。避諱的作法最初以改字為主,或改同義字,或改義近字,另外也有空字不寫的,初唐時又發明缺筆和局部改寫的方法,成為最普遍的避諱法。宋代對避諱的要求特別嚴格,不但名諱本字要迴避,連同音字也都在禁避之列。凡應科考或上奏章,一有觸犯,即遭黜落。這個風氣也影響到遼金政權,遼金的統治者在接受漢文化以後,不但為自己取了漢名,而且也講避諱。或改官名、或改地名、或改人名;碑刻之上也可找到不少缺筆的情形,這個事實可說是最能夠反映契丹和女真漢化的證據。然而過去的研究者對於遼金的避諱討論絕少,致使吾人難以知悉其詳情。本文試著藉由文獻和文物二重史料,進行較多的整理,希冀能對此一部分有所補益。
Between 10-12th century, the Kitan and the Jurchen successively established the Liao Empire and the Chin Emipre on the North China. Although they had overwhelming advantages in political and military affairs, both nations assimilating themselves to the Chinese culture. Naming taboo is a special example.Naming taboo, which existed from the period of Confucius and prevailed after the Period of Division (220-589 AD), is one distinctive custom in Chinese culture. It is a cultural taboo discouraged the use of the emperor's given names and those of his ancestors. There were three main ways to avoid using a taboo character: Changing the character to another one (改字), leaving the character as a blank (空字), and omitting a stroke in the character (缺筆). In the Song Dynasty, naming taboo developed more strict rules. So when the rulers of the Liao and Chin started to use Chinese names, they needed to learn this complex custom. This fact was an important proof which reflect the Sinicization of the Kitan and the Jurchen.This paper use documents and antiques to illuminates that Chin was a typical dynasty of northern assimilating itself to the Han culture. Through this study, we could have a better understanding on intercultural communication between the Song, the Liao and the Chin empires.
起訖頁 25-67
關鍵詞 遼金避諱缺筆金章宗Liao, ChinNaming taboo
刊名 史學彙刊  
期數 201012 (26期)
出版單位 中國文化大學史學研究所暨史學系
該期刊-上一篇 寓論斷於注釋--《三國志》裴注表微
該期刊-下一篇 金代北族之漢學




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