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Superb Craftsmanship Excelling Nature: Private Gadgetry in the Prosperous Ch'ing Dynasty
作者 侯皓之
In the prosperous Ch'ing Dynasty, the R&D and manufacturing of private devices were conducted in China. According to Ge-Tzuo-Cheng-Tzuo-Huo-Ji-Ch'ing-Tang, Chinese Letters of Christian Missionaries, Biographies and Bibliographies of Christian Missionaries in China edited by Department of Making and Handling, Internal Affairs Bureau and anthologies of Ch'ing Dynasty, there are many records concerning private devices. In the court, the western missionaries conducted new tests and R&D of new devices along with the creative instruction from the Emperor and the participation of Chinese technicians. Outside the court, the civilians were engaged in the R&D of devices and became good at mechanical gadgetry. Moreover, they also wrote books stating the works, techniques and perspectives concerned. The preceeding achievements and breakthrough with profound significance represent and reflect the mechanical craftsmanship in the prosperous Ch’ing Dynasty able to rival that in Europe in the same age and worthwhile the respect and recognition of the modern people. This paper explores the manufacturing and development of private devices in the prosperous Ch'ing Dynasty and concurrently states the techniques and achievements of Chinese technicians in accordance with the relevant files and anthologies.
起訖頁 87-118
關鍵詞 盛清時期耶穌會內務府造辦處活計檔自鳴鐘prosperous Ch'ing DynastyChristian Missionariesautomated clockprivate devicegadgetryHuo-Ji-Tang
刊名 史學彙刊  
期數 200912 (24期)
出版單位 中國文化大學史學研究所暨史學系
該期刊-上一篇 金代諸帝之漢學




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