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On Fertilizer Applications in the Tang Dynasty Based on the Sishi Zuanyao
作者 林政忠
The Sishi Zuanyao(Seasonal Notes on Farming), which was completed in thelater Tang Dynasty, was a reference on agricultural development, recording all kinds ofcultivation of crops in detail in addition to referring to veterinary science, fishery,livestock farming, aquaculture, and prediction of crops’ price changes. This book is notonly an all-embracing reference on agriculture but also an important literature tounderstand the social and economic history of the Tang Dynasty.Fertilizer is a necessary element for crops cultivation.As shown in the SishiZuanyao, not only were the number of fertilizer types increased but also the ways of itsapplication were fairly multiple.What is more important is that much verifiedexperience in agricultural development had been remarkably accumulated in the TangDynasty, indicated from the ways of application of fertilizer.At that time, soil could beimproved by using mixed fertilizer to have the acidity and alkalinity suitable for cropsgrowth.Moreover, concluded in this book was what type of fertilizer suited a specificcrop for best growth.Therefore, this book, which reveals that application of fertilizercontributed to the promotion of the agricultural productivity in the Tang Dynasty,shows its value in the research on the history of agriculture of the Tang Dynasty.
起訖頁 55-77
關鍵詞 四時纂要唐代肥料The Sishi ZuanyaoThe Tang Dynastyfertilizer
刊名 史學彙刊  
期數 200906 (23期)
出版單位 中國文化大學史學研究所暨史學系
該期刊-上一篇 〈桃花源記〉種種異說之商榷
該期刊-下一篇 五代時期吳越立國的經濟基礎




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