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Picture Cards and Counseling- Study of Subjective Benefits from Consecutive Counseling
作者 張家甄
目前運用心理投射圖卡在助人會談個案工作中,已成為極普遍現象,也具有顯著效果。本研究採用Egetmeyer & Raman於1983年共同研發的「OH卡」,OH卡以投射、共時性為原理,使用意義在強調協助個案自我覺察,能有助於助人會談個案工作者快速帶出個案的內在狀態。研究者近年來,將OH卡運用在大學通識教育課程和助人會談工作中,初步進行了各項OH卡量化研究,然而量化研究有它不足之處,並無法顯現在助人會談個案工作、輔導關係中呈現真正細緻變化過程。本研究目的與方法是試圖以一助人會談個案連續10週輔導歷程,加入10週量化歷程研究結果,欲呈現助人會談實作中,其效果和變化過程。研究結論:OH卡在個案工作輔導使用上,具有主觀的累積效益。
Nowadays, it is fairly common to use psychological projection picture cards in counseling services, and the result is excellent. In this study, the author used OH Cards developed by M. Egtmeyer and E. Raman in 1983. OH Cards are based on the projection and the synchronicity principles, and the objective is to help the client in self-awareness and to assist the counselor to quickly bring out the inner state of the client. In recent years, the author used the opportunity of giving university general education courses and offering counseling services to carry out a series of preliminary OH Cards quantitative studies. Unfortunately, there are shortcomings related to quantitative studies, including a lack of ability to reveal really detailed changes in the counseling case or the counseling relationship happening during the counseling process. In the present study, the author presented the counseling process of a case undergoing ten consecutive weeks of counseling as well as the result of the ten-week quantitative process study to show the effects of and detailed changes in real case counseling. The author concluded that OH Cards can provide subjective and accumulative benefits when used in counseling offered on an ongoing basis.
起訖頁 111-147
關鍵詞 圖卡青少年工作校園輔導個案會談picture cardsyouth workcampus counselingcase discussions
刊名 東吳社會工作學報  
期數 201512 (29期)
出版單位 東吳大學社會工作學系
該期刊-上一篇 真的嚇著了:社會工作者的恐懼經驗
該期刊-下一篇 社會排除下的遊民:處境與對策




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