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A Reflection of Practices of Pre-Entry Counseling of Foreign Spouses in Taiwan-A perspective of Multiculturalism
作者 王翊涵
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, Multiculturalism has become Taiwan's new social value which has also been emphasized when the government develops the care and service policy to foreign spouses. Thus this paper is a reflection of the practices of “pre-entry counseling of foreign spouses” (PECFS) from the perspective of Multiculturalism. PECFS, funded by “Foreign Spouse Care and Consultation Foundation”, has been hold by the representative offices in Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines since 2005. This measure is taken to increase foreign spouses' understanding of human trafficking and information of living in Taiwan. However, two problematic issues can be addressed. One is the phenomenon of “stratified marriage immigrants” is created because only the foreign spouses from Southeast Asia and China are asked to participate PECFS. This indicates that the foreign spouses from developed countries are “civilized” while those from China and Southeast Asia are “uncivilized”. The other is the practices of PECFS are featured with assimilation. Based on interview data and participant-observation to practice of PECFS in the two representative offices in Vietnam in June 2012, I found that “stopping Vietnamese spouses from coming to Taiwan with ‘bad habits'” and “protecting Vietnamese spouses against human trafficking and domestic violence” are strongly emphasized. This implies that immigrant wives from Vietnam are regarded as “essential problem-makers” who thus need to be “assimilated”, “educated” and “protected” by PECFS before they migrate to Taiwan. This paper thus concludes by making suggestions for further enhancing PECFS.
起訖頁 61-85
關鍵詞 外籍配偶入國前輔導多元文化越籍配偶新移民女性pre-entry counseling of foreign spousesmulticulturalismVietnamese spousesimmigrant wives
刊名 東吳社會工作學報  
期數 201412 (27期)
出版單位 東吳大學社會工作學系
該期刊-上一篇 女性新移民生活狀況的轉變與政策意涵
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣老人日間照顧服務之初探:兩種服務模式之比較分析




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