英文摘要 |
This study analyzed vocational high school students’ internet addiction status, its relationshipswith their health behaviors, and factors that predict internet addiction. Participants included 672students from 18 selected public and private vocational schools in Taipei area. The questionnairecontained: personal information, internet addictive behavior, personal health behavior, such as:eating habits, sleep condition, exercise behavior, and health hazardous behavior. Descriptivestatistics, t-test, chi-square analysis, and logistic regression were conducted for data analysis. Theresults showed that 11.5 percent of vocational high school students in Taipei area were found to beinternet addicted. Participants with internet addition were found to have less health behaviors ineating habits, including: frequency of having breakfast, vegetables, high-calorie foods, and sugarydrinks; those internet addicts admitted to have less sleep and more alcohol consumption. There wasno significant difference between internet and non-internet addition, in terms of frequency ofweekly exercise, duration of exercise, smoking habit, etc. Participants who are male, overweight orobese, hospitality or home economic majors, with poor eating habits, and lack of sleep, are morelikely to be internet addiction. |