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The general composition of sweet potato and the sensory evaluation of sweet potato noodles
作者 楊瓊花陳奕妃劉麗雲
甘藷富含鐵、鈣、纖維素、維生素A、B1、B2 及C 等。本研究將十三種甘藷品種進行一般成分分析及β-胡蘿蔔素測定。並將之分別摻入高筋麵粉中製作甘藷麵條,以白麵條作為對照組,比較各種甘藷麵條之組織、色澤及官能品評差異性;結果顯示甘藷品種不同其成分及性質不一,粗蛋白質含量以台農66 號及64 號最高,分別約佔4.94%及4.46%,灰分則以桃園1 號最高約1.43%,粗纖維以栗子香最高約4.85%,粗脂肪含量皆低介於0.11~0.49%,β-胡蘿蔔素含量差異很大,介於0.03~6.10 mg/100g fresh weight,以品156 及台農64 號為最高,分別約6.10 及5.68 mg/100g fresh weight;各種甘藷麵條均具增加彈力、減少硬度之效果,以台農67 號及桃園1 號整體上最受歡迎;產品置放室溫時間愈久,其組織、色澤和整體接受度等之受喜愛程度均會逐漸降低。
Sweet potato contains a variety of nutrients, including, iron, calcium, fiber, vitamin A、B1、B2and C. In this study, 13 different types of sweet potatoes were selected to analyse their nutritionvalues, as well as their β-carotene contents. The 13 different types of sweet potatoes were thenindividually mixed with high gluten flour to make potatoes noodles. The different noodles are thenevaluated for its texture, color, and sensory . The results showed that the different types of sweetpotatoes contain different nutrition values. Among the 13 types of sweet potatoes assessed,Tai-nong No 66 and 64 have the highest crude protein content, about 4.94% and 4.46%,respectively. Tao-yuan No 1 contains the highest ash about 1.43%. The highest crude fiber contentis 4.85% from Litzu xiang. All samples crude lipids contents are low and in average about 0.11~0.49%. On the other hand, β-carotene contents showed large differences among each type ofnoodles, ranging from 0.03 to 6.10 mg/ 100g fresh weight. Among all, Pin 156 and Tai-nong No 64are the highest in β-carotene contents, about 6.10 and 5.68 mg, respectively. Moreover, in theelasticity and hardness test, it showed that the addition of sweet potatoes as an ingredient in noodles (significantly) increase the elasticity and decrease the hardness of the noodles. Finally, thesensory evaluation revealed that Tai-nong No 67 and Tao-yuan No1 were the best.
起訖頁 1-17
關鍵詞 甘藷β-胡蘿蔔素甘藷麵條麵條彈性麵條硬度官能品評Basic componentsβ- carotenesweet potato noodleselasticityhardnesssensory evaluation
刊名 民生論叢  
期數 201301 (8期)
出版單位 實踐大學民生學院
該期刊-下一篇 市售修飾澱粉性質的比較




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