英文摘要 |
This study investigates the association between founding family ownership andvoluntary earnings forecasts. We find that compared to non-family firms, familyfirms are less likely to make earnings forecasts. However, when family firms decideto make earnings forecasts, their forecasts are more accurate than non-family firms.Family firms also tend to decrease forecasts error and avoid issuing over optimisticforecasts. These findings are consistent with the notion that family owners have alonger investment horizon, have lower information asymmetry between owners andmanagers, and are more concerned about reputation costs. Additional analysis alsosuggests that family firms with family members being CEOs (rather than familyfirms with professional CEOs) are primarily responsible for family firms exhibitingless earnings forecasts, and more accurate earnings forecasts as compared tonon-family firms. However, compared to non-family firms, both family firms withand without voting-cash flow rights divergence provide fewer earnings forecasts,and their forecasts are more accurate. |