英文摘要 |
Cross-sectional valuation models include general regression model and panel dataregression model. Using a sample of listed firms in Taiwan Security Exchange, wecompare alternative empirical estimates of intrinsic value using two criteria: accuracyand explainability. The study compares the reliability of value estimates from generalregression model and panel data regression model. The empirical results show thatthe panel data regression model’s estimates are more accurate and explain more of thevariation in security prices than the general regression models. On the other hand, theaccuracy and explainability of panel data regression mode’s forecasts are also betterthan general regression model’s. For the sensitivity test, we consider financial industryand negative earnings. The sensitivity test results are similar to previous outcomes. Insummary, we provide evidence to support that panel data regression model’s estimateis a better model and can raise the effectiveness of valuation model. |