英文摘要 |
The main purpose of this study is to investigate whether accounting earningsof Taiwanese firms possess the conservatism property, where conservatism isoperationalized using Basu’s (1997) model. In addition, this study also examineswhether accounting conservatism could mitigate potential conflicts betweenbondholders and shareholders. The empirical results indicate that during thesample period of 1981-2003, accounting earnings did not show the property ofconservatism in early years, but they become conservative from 1994 on. That meansthe traditional view on the effect of law dichotomous (i.e., common law versuscode law) and incentives on earnings conservatism around the world might not beproper for the emerging market that are evolving to a well-developed one. As to theeffect of bondholder-shareholder conflict, this study finds that, after controlling forfirm performance, accounting conservatism plays a role in mitigating bondholdershareholderconflicts even in a country with code law and guanxi-based networks, suchas Taiwan. |