英文摘要 |
Using Taiwanese equity data, we examine the pricing of idiosyncratic risk in the cross-section of stock returns by employing the arbitrage portfolio mimicking approach and Fama and MacBeth’s (1973) cross-sectional regression. Given the limitation in risk sharing and information opacity, Taiwan’s stock market provides an ideal setting to test this issue relative to U.S. and other developed markets. We find that idiosyncratic risks estimated using the past one month of daily data do not follow a random walk process and are unrelated to stock returns. However, we find a significantly positive relation between idiosyncratic risks estimated from the EGARCH model using the full sample of the monthly data and expected returns. The results are robust to an extensive battery of robustness tests that vary weighting schemes, take into account the January effect and the Chinese Lunar New Year effect, and control for various firm characteristics and risk factors. |