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The Longitudinal Analysis of the Effect of Creativity Integrated Curriculum on Students’ Creativity Growth
作者 蕭佳純 (Chia-Chun Hsiao)
本研究邀請國內於自然與生活科技學科任教的績優教師一起編製「創造力 教學課程」融入於「自然與生活科技」科目的教材內容、教學方法。在長達一 年兩學期的教學過程中,共進行四次實驗課程,實施五次的調查,以了解學生 在參與創造力教學過程中,科學創造力的發展趨勢,同時調查正向情緒、創造 力傾向以及自然科成績對科學創造力成長趨勢的影響。參與實驗的教師為9 位,學生一共198 位,經由階層線性模式的條件成長模式發現,創造力教學課 程對學生的科學創造力發展有助益,學生的科學創造力是先下後上的發展趨 勢,而且自然科成績以及創造力傾向的冒險性、好奇性對科學創造力的成長趨 勢具有影響,顯見本研究研發的課程對學生科學創造力發展是有助益的。
In this study, some domestic distinguished teachers of Science and Technology are first invited to compile the teaching contents and trained for teaching approaches integrating “creativity training curriculum” into the subject of “Science and Technology.” Within the one-year (two-semester) teaching process, four experimental courses are preceded and five surveys are practiced to understand students’ development in the creativity training process. Meanwhile, the effects of positive emotion, creativity tendency, and science performance on creativity growth are also investigated. Then, in the experiment, total 9 teachers and 198 students have participated. With Hierarchical Linear Modeling, it discovers the benefit of creativity training curriculum to students’ creativity. Also the students’ scientific creativity get increased though it appeared downward at the first stage. Moreover, students’ science performance, their motivation to adventure further, and their curiosity for creative learning present positive effects on the growth of students’ scientific creativity. Apparently, the integrated curriculum developed in this study could be beneficial to students’ creativity development.
起訖頁 079-104
關鍵詞 正向情緒科學創造力創造力傾向縱貫性分析positive emotionscientific creativitycreativity tendencylongitudinal analysis
刊名 課程與教學季刊  
期數 201801 (21:1期)
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 運用嵌入式教學在學前融合教育師資職前培訓之行動研究
該期刊-下一篇 國小教師開發「昆蟲桌遊教具」以增強學童「沈浸經驗、科學過程技能」




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