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A Study on the Effects and Challenges of Itinerant Services for the Gifted in Junior High School |
作者 |
賴翠媛 (Tsuei-Yuan Lai) |
中文摘要 |
我國自2009 年特殊教育法修法將國民教育階段資優學生的安置方式由原來的集中式 改為資源教室、巡迴輔導及特殊教育方案後,為符應資優學生的需求,彰化縣率先於2011 年針對未能安置於資優資源班的國民中小學資優學生提供巡迴輔導的服務,其後,各縣市 亦陸續提供資優教育巡迴輔導服務,使偏遠地區及學校總人數較少的資優學生能受惠。本 研究主要目的在了解國中資優巡迴輔導的服務成效及困境,期能提供縣市政府及未來政策 擬定的參考。研究對象為一位辦理特殊教育的公務人員與三位現職國中資優巡迴輔導教 師。透過文件分析及訪談蒐集相關資料,並進行綜合分析,所得結果如下:(1)巡迴輔導教 師提供國中資優學生直接和間接的服務,包含對學生進行個別教學,及提供學校相關工作 人員及家長專業諮詢。(2)巡迴輔導教師所提供的教學內容包含學科領域的充實與特殊需求 課程包含:獨立研究、情意課程、領導才能訓練以及創造思考訓練。(3)當資優學生類別與 巡迴輔導教師專業領域不同時,規劃教學活動對教師來說是一大難題。(4)通過鑑定的資優 學生人數逐漸減少是國中資優巡迴輔導班繼續經營的一大隱憂。(5)巡迴輔導教師的工作壓 力包括:學生人數,排課困難,時間和交通壓力,以及缺乏學校支持等。整體而言,國中 資優巡迴輔導確實能為資優學生提供多元化的充實服務。但是,整體運作方面仍存在諸多 挑戰有待解決。本研究依據研究發現提出了一些建議供縣教育局、國中巡迴輔導教師和未 來研究之參考。 |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects and challenges of itinerant services for junior high school’s gifted students in Changhua County. Participants were one administration staff member from the Special Education Division of Changhua County Education Bureau and three itinerant teachers for the gifted students. Interviews were conducted through the Internet with semi-structured questions and related documents were collected from the county government. The findings were as follows: (a) Itinerant teachers offered both direct and indirect services to the gifted students, of which were providing one-on-one learning sections to the students and professional counseling services to the school staffs and parents; (b) The learning activities which itinerant teachers offered were subject enrichment and special needs curriculum, such as independent study, affection education, leadership training and creative thinking; (c) Difficulties occurred on the lesson planning when a teacher’s professional expertise differed from his/her gifted students; (d) The decline in the number of gifted students posed another challenge for maintaining the gifted itinerant services; and (e) The itinerant teachers’ stress came from the numbers of students they served, difficulties of schedule arrangements, time spent on traveling, and a lack of support from schools. In conclusion, itinerant teachers did bring divertive enrichment services to the gifted students. However, there was a need for the County Government to solve the challenges which related to the gifted itinerant services. Based on the findings, this study offered some suggestions for the county education authority, the junior high school itinerant teachers, and further studies. |
起訖頁 |
085-100 |
關鍵詞 |
國中資優巡迴輔導、巡迴輔導教師、itinerant services for the gifted students in junior high school、itinerant teacher |
刊名 |
特殊教育學報 |
期數 |
201712 (46期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
影響語音異常兒童非詞複誦表現因素之探討 |