英文摘要 |
A 55-year-old male tennis player presented with dull pain in the left arm of 3 years. Radiography of the left shoulder showed four calcified lesions in the left mid-humerus. Magnetic resonance imaging of the left shoulder showed four calcified chondral bodies and effusion in the bicipital tendon sheath which was compatible with synovial chondrornatosis. The mass was removed en bloc and was diagnosed as synovial chondrornatosis arising from the bicipital tendon sheath. The patient was symptom-free 8 months after the operation. The literature indicates that extra-articular chondromatosis occur exclusively in the hands and feet and are thought to develop by metaplasia from the mesenchymal cells of the synovial membrane; mineralization and ossification of the tumor are secondary. Extra-articular bicipital tendon sheath chondrornatosis is considered exceptional. The actively growing tumor was celluar and showed atypical cytologic features. Such microscopic characteristics should not be interpreted as evidence of a low-grade chondrosacrorna. A review of the literature failed to disclosed a case with malignant transformation, although there have been cases in which several lesions had recurred, and some recurred more than once. For this reason, complete removal of the involved synovium is of great importance. |