中文摘要 |
大腸桿菌Escherichia coli 0157在世界各地導致人類嚴重的疾病。E. coli 0157對於生長的環境與溫度範圍很廣,以牛隻為帶菌者。最常見的傳染途徑是 食用受汙染的肉製品,或其他受牛隻產生的廢水而汙染的食物導致感染。E. coli 0157內含志賀毒素(Shiga toxin, Stx),此毒素為一種效強力大的細胞毒素,也是造成出血性大腸炎(hemorrhagic colitis, HC)與溶血尿毒徵候群(hemolytic uremic syndrome, HUS)的主因。目前治療E. coli 0157:H7感染只能使用支持療法。本篇文章介紹E. coli 0157:H7的來源、傳染途徑與毒力因子及與2011年歐洲爆發E. coli 0104:H4之比較。因為此感染症藉由糞-口傳染的途徑很多,所以我們藉由一些方法阻隔傳染途徑,如牛奶要先消毒、水經氯氣處理、吃煮熟的食物與常洗手,即可避免感染。 |
英文摘要 |
Escherichia coli O157 is a pathogen that causes severe disease in humans worldwide. The organism adapts to a wide variety of conditions. Healthy cattle serve as a reservoir for E. coli O157, and bovine food products, produce, and dairy products contaminated with bovine waste are the most common sources for disease outbreaks. Shiga toxin, a potent cytotoxin, is the major virulence factor linked with the presentation of both hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uremic syndrome. Currently, the treatment of E. coli O157:H7 infections is limited to supportive care. This article describes the source, transmission, and virulence factors of E. coli O157:H7. We also compare it with E. coli O104:H4 from the 2011 European outbreak. Because fecal-to-oral transmission occurs by many routes, there is a need for barriers, such as milk pasteurization, water chlorination, cooking food, and hand washing, to prevent infection. |