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The Analysis on “Saint”(聖人) of the Early Confuscian and Mohisum: Reflection on the Social Status of “Saint”(聖人)
作者 青山大介
This paper is focused on the social status of “Saint” (聖人) , and analyzed its process of “expansion” and “reduction”. It divided the early Confucian into the two groups ,one of them is “the before a Cong-zi(孔子) ’s death” that includes Zi-xia(子夏) and Zi-gong(子貢) , an another is “the after a Cong-zi (孔子) ’s death” that includes Gong-meng(公孟) , Guo-dian(郭店) Confusion and Meng-zi(孟子) . It contrast the two groups , inquired to the difference of social status which “Saint”(聖人) were required to be in. Also based on “Mo-zi”(《墨子》) , “Hzuang-zi Tian-xia”(《莊子‧天下》) and Discovered texts (出土文獻) , analyzed the Mohism (墨家) how changed the social status of “Saint”(聖人) . Cong-zi(孔子) and“Mo-zi”(墨子) who were great founders thought that “Saint”(聖人) must to be in the ruling class, but their disciples that is early Confucian and Mohisum had started to expand the social status of “Saint”(聖人) to lower classes for make its founders “Saint”(聖人) as soon as their founders died. The both of two schools had sucessed in the founders “Saintize”(聖人化) by “Inflation” (i.e. a quantity increase cause a value decline ] of “Saint”(聖 人) .However they changed suddenly schemed restoration of the “Saint(聖人) ”, so they excluded the other “Saint”(聖人) without any rank except their founders. In conclusion, early Confucian and Mohisum had been produced two contrary current that are expansion and reduction of the idea of “Saint”(聖人) through the early Warring States period.
起訖頁 137-175
關鍵詞 聖人概念聖人之身分儒家墨家出土文獻Saint(聖人)the social status of Saint(聖人)ConfucianMohisumDiscovered texts
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201506 (20期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 十九世紀越南華裔使節對中國的書寫──以越南燕行錄為主要考察對象
該期刊-下一篇 墨學與尹佚之學的學術關聯




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