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Local Strife of Confucian Academy in Late Joseon Dynasty: Focused on Yeongnam Region
作者 李樹奐
The rural community governing system in the 17 the century, namely, in early Joseon Dynasty was led by rural community administrative heads and official families. Due to the growth of the new emerging forces and division of rural community consensus in the 18th century, the system began to decline gradually. The reason why the governing system by official families declined furthermore was that there were conflicts in opinions of the forces residing in provincial areas, that is, hyangjeon (local strife). The types of local strife in Yeongnam Region were generally similar to those in other regions. The most serious local strife within Yeongnam Region were mainly the domination of factions and various issues to vie for leadership between legitimate and illegitimate children and among clans. Since Confucian Academy was the most representative body to operate rural community by official families residing in provincial areas, there were relatively many local strife by Confucian Academy. This paper aims to examine the changes of rural community those days by analyzing three situations: local strife among factions, among clans and between legitimate and illegitimate children.
起訖頁 189-204
關鍵詞 嶺南鄉戰士族南人西人老論YeongnamLocal strifeOfficial familiesSouthernersWesternersPatriarch's faction
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201412 (19期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 19-20世紀嶺南地域士族社會諸樣相--以慶州玉山書院通文為中心




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