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The Meaning and Interpretation of Zhu Xi philosophy on Taiwan Confucianism in the Qing Dynasty
作者 吳進安
Neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties was an integral part of Chinese philosophy. Zhu Xi academic thought can be thought as the backbone of one of Neo-Confucianism is also a decisive influential philosopher. Taiwan is only Twenty-two years later than the reign of Emperor Kangxi in Ching-Dynasty, but as the imperial examination system, as a Confucian scholar Zhu Xi's thought were not only the official ideology, but also the dissemination of the mainstream of civil Confucianism, Taiwanese Confucianism trend is also formed in this atmosphere, and Zhu Xi Confucianism in Taiwan and the moral principles guiding the interpretation of some of its leading role and the impact of Taiwan's Confucian. And the meaning of Zhu Xi also enriched the content of Confucianism in Taiwan. Taiwanese Confucian study originated from Fujian, the orthodoxy of the succession can be described as a continuation of the Confucian value system and Everbright, Units of Confucian governance through the promotion and advocacy, the Confucian moral principles of inter-depth. However, because of the official Confucian focus on civil service exam system, makes a lively splash of Confucianism live the life of Meteorology and personality can not change out, making the style of Confucianism into the scholar of shallow learning.
起訖頁 53-75
關鍵詞 台灣儒學朱子實學Taiwan ConfucianismZhu Xipractical science
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 200906 (8期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 漢籍司法案例文獻整理觀念及實例析介
該期刊-下一篇 論世俗之福與賢者之福──以屏束內埔昌黎祠新舊門聯為中心




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