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How did Confucius define the human's existence value
作者 朱心怡
中國思想是以天人關係為主軸開展的。唯「天」乃應「人」而存在,故古人言「天」,莫不為「人」探求立身行事之本。是以天人之學,歸根究底實為人學,用以討論人的本質與價值所在。孔子自承其思想「從周」,周朝思想特色,就在於從對「天」的虔敬,轉化成對「人」的要求。所以孔子對於天人之際的認知,是在周初之天人思想上,重新詮釋天命的意涵,將傳統的天人德命關係開展成為普遍性的道德要求,不僅確立人的道德自覺主宰性,也深化了自我內在的人格世界。因此,我們可以說孔子思想是以「人道」為主。孔子的人道內涵以「仁」為核心。然而「仁」作為 種精神內涵,必須透過不間斷對於「禮」的學習,才能逐步養成君子人格。因為,「仁」是在群我相處的過程中,才逐漸體現出來﹔離開群體,也就無所謂「仁」了。本文擬從孔子的天人思想談起,分析孔子對於人的認識,並討論仁、禮在孔子人道思想中的相互關係。
Pondering of traditional belief in the ruler of God. Confucius focused on human himself as God's representative. Thus moral became the essential character of mankind and oneself is the key to develop noble behaviors. Human no longer is the God attached, definitely human's existence value. Regarding to the human nature, Confucius has not determined it is good or evil. But thought study could lead to a correct path. 'Ren'(仁) is the core concept that eve可one should learn and practice. Confucius opposed supposes take the congenital condition as the pretext limits, what its takes is human's moral determination and the will. 'Ren' is the basis of 'Li'(禮) and 'Ren' is found on emotion. This illustrates 'Li' from the external standard restraint the will of the people to the intrinsic request. The cooperation of 'Ren' and 'Li' presents to the value of human' s existence.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 人道天人之際ConfuciusRenLimoralexistence value
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 200712 (5期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 「世界華文文學」研究在台灣的發展




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