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An Explanatory Note on Chih Chao's 'Feng fa yao (Rules for Observing the Dharma)'
作者 紀志昌
東晉郗超之佛教信仰與教理理解,一直是六朝精神史上一個特別而又重要的部分,此緣於郗超以一個在家居士的身分,參與當時多起的佛教活動,也留下了不少的研佛著作,而此乃當世奉佛名人與在家居士所不能望其項背者,在其眾多的研佛書帙中,今僅存者唯〈奉法要〉。〈奉法要〉是郗超為了引領在家信奉者所寫的「佛學概要」,當中包賅了郗超對當時眾經論點的統綜摘要,也是他對東晉佛教信仰觀念與教理理解的反映。通篇論旨可謂循著由「戒」而「定」,由「定」而「慧」之理路,由淺入深地陳述奉法之進階;復藉由「修道與因果」、 「行為與應報」的詮說架構,或標揭名士日用切身的生活戒規,或闡明輪迴應報原理,或論說得道證慧的修習進路,而呈現出當世名士「即世間以成道」的信仰取向。並且其中亦透露出對世教風習與人心流俗之針砭,而深蘊超越名士主流的平等觀點。至於文中以證「空」成佛為究竟的理論,則顯係受到僧師支遁所啟發的般若學影響。
The Buddhism belief and theory interpretation of Chih Chao has always been one special and important part in spiritual history of Six Dynasties. Since Chih Chao was a Buddhist who lived a spiritual and religious life at home, he participated in numerous Buddhism activities and also left many writings of studying Buddhism. 'Feng fa yao (Rules for Observing the Dharma)' became the only work that contemporary Buddhism celebrity and people who study religion at home respect and worship. Feng-Fa-Yao is 'essentials of Buddhism' that Chih Chao wrote for the Buddhists who follow the percepts of Buddhism, and included a summary by Chih Chao concerning his perspectives of numerous Buddhism theories in that era. It also was his Buddhism belief concept and a reflection of theory interpretation. The entire writings to discuss the main ideas follow the context of 'abstain' to 'calmness'; 'calmness' to 'wisdom'﹒ From superficial concept to difficult theory, it states the ways to observe Buddhism. By interpreting constructs of 'living a religious life and causal relationship' and 'behaviors and deserved fate', it presents daily rules of a famous person, interprets principles of karma and deserved fate, discusses the study of Buddhism for a spiritual wisdom, shows the belief of 'living a spiritual life in a material world' for celebrities in that era. It also reveals criticism of thoughts and custom in that era, which deeply contains a fair viewpoint beyond the mainstream celebrities. As to the confirmation of 'emptiness' to accomplish Buddhism, it is obviously inspired by Buddhism wisdom of Bo-re from outside branch of Buddhist monk.
起訖頁 21-61
關鍵詞 郗超東晉奉法要居士佛學概論Chih ChaoEastern JinFeng fa yao (Rules for Observing the Dharma)lay Buddhistessentials of Buddhism
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 200712 (5期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-下一篇 玄、佛交涉的詩化──論東晉佛理詩風的形成及其風格型態




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