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On the Essence andAssessment of Hsün Tzu's Theory of Name
作者 李哲賢
During the Pre-Ch'in period, except for the School of Names (Ming-chia) and Mohist School (Mo-chia), the most important figure in the study of the theory of names was Hsün Tzu. Hsün Tzu's major contribution to the theory of names in the Pre-Ch'in times was to criticize and further develop the Ming-chia and Mo-chias' theory of names as well as to inherit and develop sufficiently Confucius' doctrine of rectifying names. However, for centuries scholars in the study of Hsün Tzu did not explore his theory of names, but mostly emphasized to study such ideas as mind, human nature, heaven and rites. Both Chinese and foreign scholars did not pay attention to the study of Hsün Tzu's theory of names until recent years. Although they have made contribution to the study of Hsün Tzu's theory of names, they could not assess properly Hsün Tzu's theory of names, for they were short of qualitative analysis in Hsün Tzu's theory of names, that is, scholars did not manifest or verify if Hsün Tzu's theory of names was identified to Western logic. Besides, scholars did not explore manifestly and detailedly such question as how Hsün Tzu's theory of names criticized and developed Later Mohist theory of names. Hence, if we could not solve the problems mentioned above, we might not comprehend properly the meaning and position of Hsün Tzu's theory of names in the Pre-Ch'in intellectual history. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to explore thoroughly the essence of Hsün Tzu's theory of names in order to manifest its significance and position in the Pre-Ch'in development of the theory of names.
起訖頁 1-15
關鍵詞 荀子邏輯名學墨家名家墨辯Hsün TzuLogicTheory of NamesMohist School(Mo-chia)the School of Names(Ming-chia)Later Mohist
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 200706 (4期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 論《漢書》中匈奴人金日磾的身分轉換




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