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The Spatial Discourse of Siyu in Gaosengzhuan─ according to the geographical narratives
作者 王美秀
Since late East Han dynasty Buddhism have gradually became a popular region and deeply rooted in the different status of Chinese society. For Buddhist was originally from and gained a very success in Siyu (Central Asia), there were a great number of monks who came to China for preach from Siyu and there were also quite a number of Chinese monks who made religion travell to the area. The writing of Siyu therefore became an unavoidable spatial writing in Gaoseng zhuan, the oldest monks biography written and edited by scholar monk Huijiao of Southern dynasties. The book is still maintained in the most completed condition even today. In the book the geographical writing about Siyu is not only offering the traffic information between the west and the east during the medieval time but also becoming a kind of media for spreading the impression of Siyu, stimulating and encouraging the image of Siyu as well in the society. The imagines and its' constructing sources including (A) an endless and isolated place indicated by the terms of 'congyou (the right area of Mt.Cong)' xiguo (the western countries)' 'liusha (drift sand)',(B) an isolated and hazardous place─ according to Faxian's travell experiences of Siyu, (C) an activities place for different kinds of life─ according to Tanwujie's travell experiences of Siyu; (D)a place for religion dialog─ according to Zhimong's travell experiences of Siyu. Among these imagine, the imagine of an endless and separated place which indicated by the term of 'liusha' with very high fuzziness and generality is the most meaningful one.
起訖頁 1-18
關鍵詞 高僧傳西域空間論述佛教文學南北朝文學Gaoseng zhuanSiyuspatial discourseBuddhist literaturethe literature of the Northern and Southern dynasties
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 200606 (2期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 宋代道學中「真實無妄」之「誠」析論




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