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How to Justify Inference to the Best Explanation?: An Inquiry Based on Darwin’s Argument in The Origin of Species
作者 王榮麟
When one infers, among available explanations, that the best one is (the most likely to be) true, she is following the rule of inference to the best explanation. Such a rule, not surprisingly, is frequently followed by ordinary people in daily life, and by scientists as well in the course of research. However, objections arise as to the justifiability of the inference to the best explanation: Hungerford’s objection; Voltaire’s objection; and the argument from a bad lot. In this paper, I argue that Darwinian Inference to the Best Explanation (DIBE) can be justified: (1) I will endorse the view that, throughout Origin of Species, Darwin’s argument for the theory of natural selection, hopefully, can be characterized as an inference to the best explanation. (2) But what is special with DIBE, as I will point out, is that it adds extra requirements on what counts as the best explanation. (3) I will argue that DIBE can meet the objections against the reliability of Inference to the best explanation, and thus that it can be justified.
起訖頁 79-117
關鍵詞 最佳說明推論科學方法論證成達爾文《物種源始》Inference to the Best ExplanationScientific MethodologyJustificationDarwinOrigin of Species
刊名 國立政治大學哲學學報  
期數 201301 (29期)
出版單位 國立政治大學哲學系
該期刊-上一篇 陳漢生與牟宗三論直覺與神秘主義
該期刊-下一篇 費希特的自我概念:自我意識與智性直觀




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