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Sort Some Questions of Zhu Xi (Shu Zhu Zhi Yi): The validity of its observations of “the similarities and dissimilarities between Zhu and Lu”
作者 蔡龍九
This paper aims to investigate two cruxes of Jia Xin’s Sort Some Questions of Zhu Xi (Shu Zhu Zhi Yi). One is the argument proposed by Jia Xin concerning “the similarities and dissimilarities between Zhu and Lu,” and the other is how, deduced from the previous argument, Jia Xin accurately clarifies the issue of “the young Zhu Xi.” In Sort Some Questions of Zhu Xi (Shu Zhu Zhi Yi), he tacitly sides with those who critique Liu Xiang Shan and Wang Yang Ming and overtly disapproves “the similarities and dissimilarities between Zhu and Lu.” However, Jia Xin defies the assertion concerning “the coincident influences of Buddhism on the young Zhu Xi and Liu Xiang Shan” advocated in Chen Jian’s The Clarification of the Veiled Theories (Xiao Bu Tong Bian), and takes the position to defend and expound the “the young Zhu Xi.” In his work, he amends the previous critiques on “the similarities and dissimilarities between Chu and Lu,” and criticizes Wang Mao Hong’s Chronological Biography of Zhu Xi (Zhu Zi Nian Pu). Accordingly, he makes an effort to emphasize that the thinking of the young Zhu Xi is not confined to Daoism and Buddhism, and Zhu Xi’s assimilation to Confucianism is earlier than the recordation of Wang Mao Hong’s Chronological Biography of Zhu Xi (Zhu Zi Nian Pu). In this paper, I will elucidate those issues mentioned above one by one, followed by my evaluation on the validation of Jia Xin’s arguments, as well as the merits of Sort Some Questions of Zhu Xi (Shu Zhu Zhi Yi).
起訖頁 75-115
關鍵詞 《述朱質疑》朱陸異同朱子早年Sort Some Questions of Zhu Xi (Shu Zhu Zhi Yi)the similarities and dissimilarities between Zhu and Liuthe young Zhu Xi
刊名 國立政治大學哲學學報  
期數 201201 (27期)
出版單位 國立政治大學哲學系
該期刊-上一篇 心知與心慮──兼論荀子的道德主體與人的概念
該期刊-下一篇 從假設開始?:對黑格爾《邏輯學》開端的一個段落的詮釋




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