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No Communal and First-Person Errors: A Critique of Brandom’s Objectivity Proof
作者 林從一
布藍登的《說明白》(Making It Explicit) 主張一種實用主義的語意理論 (pragmatic semantics),他認為他的理論所面臨最大挑戰,是呈現出他的理論不會違反以下這個客觀性原則:我們的態度所關於的對象是超越我們的態度的。布藍登書中總其成的一章是第八章,在該章中,他直接面對那個挑戰,他試圖證明他的理論不會有以下的後果:(p)[(S) (S 宣稱 p) → p] (名為「無社群錯誤條件句」, No Communal Error Condition)。在本文中,我論證布藍登的論證是失敗的,同時我也將證明「無社群錯誤條件句」以及布藍登所謂的「無第一人稱錯誤條件句」(No Communal Error Condition, (p) [(我宣稱p)→ p]) 在適度且微幅的修正下,將可從他的實用主義的語意理論中導出。
Brandom recognizes one of the most serious conceptual chal-lenges facing the pragmatic semantics advocated his Making It Ex-plicit is the need to accommodate the objectivity conviction that our attitudes are answering to things that transcend our attitudes. And he meets the challenge head-on by processing a proof in his climactic chapter eight to demonstrate that his account does not force upon it-self the undesirable consequence that (p)[(S) (S claims that p) → p], dubbed the No Communal Error Condition. In this paper, I shall argue that Brandom's proof fails, and, moreover, I prove that both the No Communal Error Condition and what Brandom calls No First-Person Error Condition, (p) [(I claim that p) → p]), with minor modifications, will result from his pragmatic account.
起訖頁 105-122
關鍵詞 布蘭登客觀性推論語意學語用語意學Brandomobjectivityinferential semanticspragmatic semantics
刊名 國立政治大學哲學學報  
期數 200807 (20期)
出版單位 國立政治大學哲學系
該期刊-上一篇 歷史性、哲學與現代性的命運:勞思光的《中國哲學史》與列奧•施特勞斯
該期刊-下一篇 無力量的痛




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