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Doesn't the Problem of 'χωρισμοσ' subsist in Aristotle's ?
作者 彭文林
The problem of 'χωρισμοσ' is one of the most meaningful but quasi irresolvable 'αποριαι' in the ancient Greek philosophical topics. In the hermeneutic tradition of Platonic and Aristotelian doctrines, which was founded by German scholars like P. Natorp, Trendelenburg, C. Brandis, H. Bonitz and E. Zeller, it is interpreted as characteristic of Plato's idealism against that Aristotle tried to establish his analytical demonstration in the most plausible form. By Nicolai Hartmann C. -H. Chen wrote his Dissertation in that he proposed to challenge the German hermeneutic tradition of platonic-aristotelian Philosophy. In this article I follow his investigation of the problem of 'χωρισμοσ', but I am not content with some points of his interpretation on Aristotle's in his article 'On Aristotle's Two Express ions: καθ' υποκειμενου λεγεστηαι and εν υποκειμενωι ειναι Their Meaning in Cat, 2, a20-b9 and the Extension of This Meaning' . He claims that 'ειδοσ' and 'γενοσ' are not only predicated of the subject, but also 'inesse' in the substratum. It seems absurd to me that 'ειδοσ' and 'γενοσ' are interpreted as 'inesse' in the substratum in Aristotle's . I regard II and V as an evidence and try to prove the thesis-- there exists a problem of 'χωρισμοσ' in Aristotle's . If this thesis is apodictically true, C.H. Chen's claim must be false.
起訖頁 59-80
關鍵詞 柏拉圖亞里斯多德相論範疇論分離分離問題基體第一類本質第二類本質在相之旁PlatoAristotleCategoriessubstancechorismosseparationtranscendentsubjectideaParmenidespredication
刊名 國立政治大學哲學學報  
期數 199712 (4期)
出版單位 國立政治大學哲學系
該期刊-上一篇 外推、理性與講理--試論心理治療的哲學基礎
該期刊-下一篇 論嚴復之體用與知識之關係




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