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Writing Natural History: Susan Fenimore Cooper’s Investigations of the Cooperstown Region
作者 盧莉茹
Susan Fenimore Cooper was an early voice in the tradition of American nature history writing. She composed a nature journal entitled Rural Hours and many essays about nature and landscape. In her works, Cooper described the regional, natural environment around her home village──Cooperstown, New York; her writings were one of the first American natural histories. Establishing Cooper as early female natural historian, this paper will focus on Cooper’s investigations of the Cooperstown region. In this essay, there are two principal parts. In the beginning, the paper will define natural history and establish Cooper as early female natural historian in America. In the second part, this essay will closely examine Cooper’s effectiveness as a natural history writer: it will analyze how Cooper introduced generations of American readers to the knowledge and the understanding of the Cooperstown region and celebrated the American natural environment as a cultural resource; also, it will examine how Cooper conveyed her ecological ideas (such as the idea of the common links among all living species, and so forth) and advocated conservation ethic in her natural historical discourse, thereby introducing a pattern of proto-ecological thinking for American culture.
起訖頁 219-256
關鍵詞 庫柏自然史書寫《田園時刻》《談論自然與地景之散文》環境保護倫理初期生態思維Susan Fenimore Coopernatural history writingRural HoursEssays on Nature and Landscapeconservation ethicproto-ecological thinking
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 200810 (36期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 給我洲後村,我將翻轉全臺灣──試論二重疏洪道洲後村拆遷抗爭事件的歷史意義
該期刊-下一篇 《莊子‧齊物論》中籟音的義理蘊涵




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