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The Clarification of Several Misunderstandings of 'Zhuangzi'
作者 蕭裕民
Since it is difficult to understand the book of “Zhiuangzi”, there are many misunderstandings about it. In this research, several common misunderstandings are discussed and some sides of philosophy of “Zhiuangzi” are presented from the viewpoint of clarifying the misunderstandings. The contents of the discussion include:1, Besides being devaluated, more about language are discussed in 'Zhuangzi'. 2, The theory of 'Zhuangzi' is not skepticism or agnosticism. 3, It is inappropriate to understand 'Zhuangzi' with relativism. 4, 'Zhuangzi' is not opportunism. 5, 'Zhuangzi' does not claim to be willful or self-indulgent, and it is not suitable to interpret 'Zhuangzi' with selfishness. 6, It is not proper to use subject/object as the main concept to understand 'Zhuangzi'. 7, It is a mistake to think 'Zhuangzi' pursues the truth. 8, What discussed in 'Zhuangzi' are not dispirited or frustrated. 9, Some texts are mistaken to be contradictory or inconsistent due to the difference of level or field signified by the words.
起訖頁 315-346
關鍵詞 莊子誤解語言相對主義主體真理ZhuangziMisunderstandingLanguageRelativismSubjectTruth
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 200612 (30期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 細讀與嘲謔--《柳如是別傳》讀後隅記
該期刊-下一篇 船山莊學之研究:探析「凝神」之飽滿義涵




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