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Lao-tze's Philosophy of Management and Its Modern Applications
作者 馮滬祥
The purpose of this paper is to explore the philosophy of management of Lao-tze based on six questions : (1) what is management ? (2) why it is necessary to manage ? (3) when is the proper time to manage ? (4) where is the key point for management ? (5) who is qualified to manage ? (6) How to manage ? This paper deals with not only the theoretical foundation of Lao-tze for the above questions, but also its modern applications in the Western and Japanese illustrations. In short, according to Lao-tze's philosophy, the essence of management starts from the 'non-action' in order to reach the overall 'self-realization'. As to the reason for management, for Lao-tze, the organization which manages the least, is the best Hence, Lao-tze disagrees with the self-righters and the egocentric managers who often interrept the systerm by the unnecessery managements. Besides, Lao-tze holds that the proper time for management is that whenever the priciple of fairness, or spontaneoty, or the natural way is destroyed. As to the keypoints of management, Lao-tze emphersizes 'back to the roots', he also claims the importance of reflection, communication, self-trainning, and the abandonment of being luxurous. Moreover, Lao-tze holds that the qualifications for the good manager should include the open-mindedness, sympathy and, emphasy, non-selfishness, as well as non-aggresiveness. As to the know-how, he emphasizes that the importance of humility, democratic way, open-meatality, excessiveness, and concrete practice. In short, this paper attempts to combine theory and practice, traditional ideas and modern applications. Therefore many concrete examples have been raised to prove the importance of Lao-tze's revelation, this paper ideed could be regarded as a good illustration for the Applied Philosophy in the field of management.
起訖頁 123-171
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 199706 (15期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 女性主義觀點的美術史研究
該期刊-下一篇 另一種道德哲學:「道德形式」的評估




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