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Applying DEMATEL to Explore the Priority and Causal Relationships of Nursing Competency Criteria when Recruiting Nurses
作者 劉淑玲翁紹仁陳淑月
目的: 本研究之目的在探討護理主管甄選護理人員 時,對其護理能力之考量。 方法: 本研究採問卷調查法,以護理專業八大核心能 力(基礎生物醫學科學、一般臨床護理技能、批判 思考、溝通合作、關愛、倫理素養、克盡職責、和 終身學習)為考量之準則,於2013年10月25日至11 月30日以立意取樣法取得20位護理主管同意,經由 自填或電話訪談完成問卷填寫,所得資料以決策實 驗室分析法(DEMATEL)分析各準則間之因果度 和關聯度。 結果: 資料分析顯示關聯度最高的前三項準則為一般 臨床護理技能、終身學習、及溝通合作;因果度最 高前三項準則為基礎生物醫學科學、一般臨床護理 技能、及關愛,亦即原因群。然而,原因群中排序 最高「基礎生物醫學科學」,卻與其他七項準則間 無相互影響關係。 結論: 臨床護理主管在選才時考量的最關鍵準則是 「一般臨床護理技能」,而「基礎生物醫學科 學」是原因群排序最高的準則,與其他七項準則 沒有相互影響關係,實值得護理教育界與產業界 進一步研究。
Purposes: The aim of the study was to explore the priority and causal relationships of nursing competency criteria valued by nursing heads or supervisors when recruiting new nursing staff. Methods: This was a questionnaire survey. The eight nursing competencies, i.e., basic biomedical science, general clinical nursing skills, communication and cooperation, critical thinking, caring, ethics, accountability, and lifelong learning, were used as the criteria. Twenty nursing heads and supervisors recruited by purposive sampling were asked to complete the questionnaire either by self-completion or being interviewed via the telephone. The collected data were analyzed using Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL). Results: The result revealed that the top three priorities were general clinical nursing skills, lifelong learning, and communication and cooperation, and the top three causal relationships were basic biomedical sciences, general clinical nursing skills, and caring. However, the top causal relationship, namely basic biomedical sciences, had a limited relationship with the other seven criteria. Conclusions: General clinical nursing skills is the most prominent nursing competency valued by nursing heads and supervisors. Basic biomedical sciences is the most important causal relationship but has a limited relationship with the other seven criteria and this needs further research.
起訖頁 30-39
關鍵詞 護理人員護理能力決策實驗室分析法關聯度因果度NurseNursing competencyDecision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL)Causal relationshippriority
刊名 澄清醫護管理雜誌  
期數 201610 (12:4期)
出版單位 財團法人澄清基金會
該期刊-上一篇 從醫護人員的觀點探究影響病人安全文化狀態之重要影響因子──以中部某區域級教學醫院為例
該期刊-下一篇 不明原因發熱作為心臟黏液瘤的始發癥狀




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