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A Modern Interpretation of Exercises Taiji & Qigong for Health Preservation
作者 梁秉中
Yoga originated from India and is becoming popular worldwide. Qigong originated from China and is less known outside China. Interestingly, both Indian Yoga and Chinese Qigong emphasize on three common components in their fundamental practices, viz. (i) stretching of muscles, tendons and ligaments when thousands of proprioceptive receptors which initiate the “gate theory” of neurological control of pain perception are stimulated; (ii) controlled breathing which harmonizes the somatic and autonomic systems of neurological activities; and (iii) the wonderful outcome after such simple voluntary efforts, a state of tranquility of the mind, which could be understood as Meditation. A comprehensive review on the reports on Yoga and Qigong practices affecting the physiological processes and mental states of the practitioners is completed to provide reliable information about the value of the practices. Result of the review shows that there are sufficient evidences today, after many carefully planned research studies, on the supportive effects of both Yoga and Qigong on not only neuromuscular pathologies but also problems in cardiovascular, pulmonary and most remarkably, mental health. Yoga and Qigong practices are good for both the body and mind.
起訖頁 1-9
關鍵詞 健康管理養生鍛煉氣功太極Health ManagementHealth PreservationExercisesQigongTaiji
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 201612 (14:2期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-下一篇 剛果紅染料廢水以 UV/O3 程序脫色及礦化之研究




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