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Chinese Capitalism from Outside: A Case Study of the Emergence of Private Enterprises in the Pearl River Delta
作者 鄭志鵬
This paper explores the start-up process of Chinese private manufacturing firms in the Pearl River Delta during the post-global recession. Previous studies on the emergence of private enterprises in China have emphasized the perspective of “capitalism from below,” arguing that entrepreneurs devised institutional innovations through trial and error that enabled them to decouple from the established, unfavorable economic order. These informal institutional arrangements in the Yangzi River Delta not only resolved the free-rider problem, but also developed competitive advantages in self-organized industrial clusters. The perspective of “capitalism from below,” however, overlooked the local institutional divergence in studying Chinese economic transition. Since local manufacturing firms in the Pearl River Delta are embedded in an organizational field controlled by transnational enterprises, Taiwanese investors in particular, these nascent private entrepreneurs may acquire capital, techniques, human resources, and management skills from transnational capitalists other than local social networks. In other words, China’s capitalist economic institutions and business norms are forms of “capitalism from outside.” This case study is intended not only to enhance our understanding of late-comers on the emergence of capitalism, but also to contribute to the dialogue with Chinese state capitalism at this stage.
起訖頁 141-191
關鍵詞 中國資本主義新生企業家私營企業後社會主義經濟轉型台商Chinese capitalismnascent entrepreneursprivate enterprisespost-socialist economic transitionTaiwanese investors
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201606 (31期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 企業權力與民主:台灣企業集團2008年立委選舉的政治獻金分析
該期刊-下一篇 Leverage of the Weak: Labor and Environmental Movements in Taiwan and South Korea. By Hwa-Jen Liu. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2015. 225 pages.




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