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From “Handicapped” to “Disabled”: A Content Analysis of Disability Labels and Discourse in Taiwanese Newspapers
作者 張恒豪王靜儀
本研究以內容分析法比較使用「殘障」、「身心障礙」指稱障礙者的報導中的障礙者形象、新聞模型、以及新聞類別的差異,以檢視被汙名的群體,其標籤改變對公共論述內容的影響。同時分析媒體的障礙論述在不同歷史時期的差異。本研究發現:(1)新聞用詞確實在法令修改後,逐漸使用身心障礙者取代殘障。(2)在使用「殘障」、「身心障礙」的名稱時,新聞的論述類型與論述方式差異不大。(3)從台灣歷史脈絡的差異發現,障礙者無助的形象在不同歷史階段有顯著的差異,而且比例越來越高。新聞類別,只有愛心慈善新聞在2008 年身心障礙者權益保障法後顯著升高;而慈善報導中,障礙者多為接受幫助的對象,報導多為宣揚主辦單位的善行而少有障礙者的發言空間。本文的結論是:由上而下的障礙者標籤正名對新聞內容的影響有限。此外,慈善論述在近年來比例反而增加,可能是台灣的障礙者正名運動,主要是由專家學者參考西方的脈絡所推動,缺乏強而有力的社會運動動員與社會共識;且在公辦民營的制度下,服務型非營利組織大量興起,慈善活動增加,也使得相關報導增加。
Combating disability stigma and labels has been the political agenda of the disability rights movement. This research uses content analysis to explore the impact of renaming the disabled from “cán jhang” (殘障the handicapped) to “shen xin zhàng ài” (身心障礙people with physical and mental disabilities) and the transformation of disability in Taiwanese public discourse from 1953 to 2014. We examine the images of disabled people, the model of the newspaper narrative, and the typology of newspaper content with different disabled labels and historical periods. We use systematic sampling to collect data come from the United Newspaper data base from 1953 to 2014. The results show that the change of the disability label by law did not change the model of the newspaper narrative but partly transformed the images and content of disability newspaper reports. There are more images of care burdens and more newspaper coverage on care issues under the label “cán jhang.” Comparing disability in different historical periods, there is no significant difference in the model of newspaper narrative, but there are many more images of helpless disabled people. In addition, there are significantly more disability charity events mentioned in newspapers after 2008. Finally, we discuss the content of the charity events, where disabled people are always the subject of being helped and their voices are usually unheard. We argue that the relabeling of disability in Taiwan was advocated and promoted mainly by scholars and politicians and lacked social movement mobilization and social consensus. In addition, under public-owned and private-managed social policies, the number of service-oriented non-profit organizations has increased significantly, and these organizations compete for resources. Thus, news discourses of the charity model increased after 2008.
起訖頁 1-41
關鍵詞 慈善內容分析障礙標籤汙名charitycontent analysisdisabilitylabelingstigma
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201606 (31期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 誰來審議?台灣民眾對審議民主的支持程度和參與意願




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