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Deliberative Inequality: Discursive Interactions in Taiwan’s Citizen Conferences
作者 林國明
Critics have said that the practice of deliberative democracy has not lived up to the normative standards of political equality, because members of socially disadvantaged groups often do not have opportunities to effectively participate in deliberations. The paper uses data from six citizen conferences in Taiwan to empirically examine the thesis of deliberative inequalities. I use six dimensions in discursive interactions to measure deliberative inequalities: frequency and time of speech, dialogic capacity, initiating new topics, making rational arguments, and influencing conclusions. I argue that because of procedural factors instituted to create the ideal situation of speech, deliberative inequalities are not significant in the dimensions of making rational arguments and influencing conclusions. In addition, inequities in four other dimensions of discursive interaction depend on the nature of issues under discussion. For less complex issues that have greater impacts on citizens’ daily lives, most citizens have the “situated knowledge” needed to participate in discursive interactions. Thus, deliberative inequalities are not significant for these kinds of issues. The analytic results confirm the arguments.
起訖頁 1-50
關鍵詞 審議民主公民會議公共領域參與式民主內容分析法deliberative democracypublic deliberationpublic spherecitizen participationcontent analysis
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201406 (27期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 從「大陳義胞」到「大陳人」:社會類屬的生成、轉變與意義




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