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Meeting the Other Half: Matchmakers and Settings of Contact in Educational Assortative Mating
作者 巫麗雪葉秀珍蔡瑞明
Free choice is the major type of mate Selection in modern Society, but free choice is not as free as one might expect. The freedom to choose a spouse is, to a certain extent, restricted by the opportunity structure. This paper takes a comprehensive perspective to examine classical assortative mating studies based on more refined measures. We investigate how an individual’s mating opportunity is embedded in the Social structure, which in turn affects his/her choice of potential mate. The major aim of this study is to examine the roles of matchmakers and Social occasions in the marriage market, a part of the process of social stratification. We examine the bridging role of matchmakers in the mating process and their characteristics in the linkage between Social structure and culture. We also assess the Social Settings of contacts and their effect on homophily in the mating process. The data analyzed come from two surveys: the General Survey of Social Attitudes in Taiwan and Taiwan Social Change Survey. Multinomial logit models were applied to test a series of hypotheses. The results show that involvement of matchmakers in the mating process is positively associated with hypergamy and that the effect becomes even more significant when the matchmaker and the mate Seeker have a stronger relationship. Nevertheless, the influence of matchmakers has loosened slightly in preserving mainstream cultural norms. Our findings demonstrate that the matchmaker's Social status plays a crucial role in bridging a match with associated higher status during the mating process. The results also illustrate that the educational system is the most important institution that reinforces educational boundaries. Educational institutions have created a mating environment for educational homophily, which is likely to increase with education, and reinforces the educational boundary in the mating process.
起訖頁 147-190
關鍵詞 婚姻教育婚配擇偶方式接觸場合介紹人marriageeducational assortative matingways of meetingsocial settings of contactmatchmakers
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201312 (26期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 友誼網絡中誰的獲益更多:青少年友誼網絡與學業成就的動態分析
該期刊-下一篇 評《台灣的社會變遷1985-2005:家庭與婚姻》




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