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Green Energy in Action: ANT Analysis of the Innovation of the Micro Hydropower System in Taiwan
作者 楊弘任
In the age of green energy, is it possible that Taiwan, as a latecomer compared with European countries, the United States, and Japan in terms of technology, can have its own unique 'green technological innovation' instead of merely relying on 'green technology transfer'? If the answer is yes, then what are the characteristics of such innovation, specific to Taiwanese society? This paper starts with a deep description of the social history of technology, elaborating on the characteristics of technological innovation in such a latecomer society as Taiwan, by tracing and analyzing the story of a native of Yunlin County, Taiwan, who, born shortly after World War II, is an inventor as well as an entrepreneur. The analytical frame of this paper is based on actor-network-theory (ANT), while applying and revisioning the social construction of technology (SCOT). With little formal education, but a large amount of industrial local knowledge, this green-energy technological innovator invented 'small-scale water current turbines,' based on traditional irrigation systems, an infrastructure constructed all over Taiwan. This innovator began his career by repairing clocks and watches, and after many years, he identified technological problems and developed technological solutions unique to a latecomer society, by constantly confronting himself with and developing his knowledge of foreign objects. Through the 'latecomer technological frame' and 'industrial local knowledge, 'small-scale water current turbine systems have gradually formed heterogeneous associations between humans and nonhumans and have attempted to negotiate and thus stabilize the emerging network.
起訖頁 51-99
關鍵詞 工業地方知識行動者網絡理論技術創新後進技術框架綠能industrial local knowledgeactor-network-theorytechnological innovationlatecomer technological framegreen energy
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201206 (23期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 資本、國家與宗教:「場域」視角下的當代民間信仰變遷
該期刊-下一篇 每下愈況或漸入佳境?:夫妻婚姻品質之變化與相互影響性




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