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When Middle-aged Parents Meet Adolescent Children: Parent-child Relationship Patterns and Parent's Midlife Perceptions
作者 周玉慧吳明燁黃朗文
This research investigates the patterns of parent-child relationships between middle-aged parents and their adolescent children, and then examines their impacts on parents' midlife perceptions with parents' and children's individual factors taken into account. The data used in this study are derived from Taiwan Youth Project conducted by the Institute of Sociology, Academic Sinica, Taiwan in 2000 and 2002. The analysis sample consists of 1,906 pairs of parents and children. Latent profile analysis is employed to find out the latent classes of parent-child relationships, and multiple regression is used to examine the impact of parent-child relationships on parents' midlife perceptions. The results indicate that three factors of midlife perceptions abstracted for both male and female parents are 'the parent-child gap,' 'worry about the future,' and 'dissatisfaction with present status.' Mother-child relationships are classified as Mother-Child Conflict, Mother-Close but Child-Conflict, Mother-Conflict and Child-Inconsistent, and Mother-Child Close. Father-child relationships are classified as Father-Child Conflict, Father-Distance but Child-Conflict, Father-Distance and Child-Close, and Father-Child Close. Both mothers' and fathers' midlife perceptions are affected by parent-child relationships at this developmental stage. Parents who have close relationships with their children report the least negative perceptions. For mothers, moreover, the most negative perceptions are associated with the conflict relationship among the four types. In addition, family income and health condition are significant predictors for both mothers' and fathers' midlife perceptions. Parents' perceptions of the parent-child gap are connected with children's academic performances and past parent-child relations. Finally, marital satisfaction is a significant predictor for mothers' three factors of midlife perceptions.
起訖頁 1-37
關鍵詞 中年父母中年生活感受青少年子女潛在全象分析親子關係類型middle-aged parentsmidlife perceptionsadolescent childrenlatent profile analysisparent-child relationship patterns
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201012 (20期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
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