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Institutional Transition and Market Networks: An Historical Investigation of Interlocking Directorates of Big Businesses in Taiwan, 1962-2003
作者 李宗榮
This study outlines the historical contours of market networks in Taiwan from an institutional perspective. By utilizing comprehensive historical data on the boards of directors for all listed private firms and state-owned enterprises from 1962 to 2003, this study investigates the extent to which macro-structural factors, such as market growth, state transformation, and cultural practices of Chinese familism, have driven the changing dynamics of interlocking directorates in Taiwan. In the early industrializing period, director networks in Taiwan resembled the corporatist structure of oligopolistic cartels, only on a smaller scale, when state enterprises played an important role and the overall integration of networks was relatively high. Although the changing route of director networks seemed to converge with patterns of advanced economies, the Taiwanese market still holds a strong local flavor in its network structure. In particular, the proportions of multiple relationships of director networks are exceptionally high and have persisted for almost half a century. The findings of this study indicate that the market network structure is the result of reinforcing influences between the legal regulation of corporate governance, which emphasizes economic security, and cultural practices of familism. After a transition period in the late-1980s, the influence of state enterprises on intercorporate networks declined enormously, mainly owing to the private sector's continuous growth and a series of deregulations of economic policies that loosened the control on private businesses' horizontal expansion. The localized clustering dynamics of familism, however, has since disintegrated the network structure; extraordinarily low centralization and a high proportion of multiple ties have become trademarks of Taiwanese corporate networks. Considering the existing legal regulation of corporate governance and the prevalence of cultural practices associated with familism, this study foresees the resilience of the Taiwanese market's current network structure.
起訖頁 101-160
關鍵詞 董監事跨坐制度變遷市場網絡家族主義強連帶interlocking directoratesinstitutional transitionmarket networkfamilismstrong ties
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200906 (17期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 台灣青少年的道德信念:社會依附的影響
該期刊-下一篇 國家、公民社會與審議民主:公民會議在台灣的發展經驗




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