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Rethinking Movement Trajectories: Labor and Environmental Movements in Taiwan and South Korea
作者 劉華真
The struggles of labor movements in Taiwan and South Korea to increase their power and realize their constituents' interests have followed a similar path over the last 30 years. Environmental movements in the two countries have also followed a similar path, but a very different one from that of labor movements. To explain why these two different national settings produce consistent differences between the trajectories and strategies of labor and environmental movements, this article develops an analytical framework that conceptualizes 'movement power' as being composed of a combination of 'leverage' and 'ideological power.' Examining the historical sequences of movement strategies in the two countries, the analysis indicates that labor initially seeks to maximize its economic leverage and the environmental movements focus first on ideological power. After initial successes, both labor and environmental movements confront new obstacles that undermine the power they previously gained. The state and capital defame and organizationally undermine the labor movements' support bases. At the same time, they learn to compete with the environmental movements for discursive control over ecological values. Labor strives in turn to increase its ideological power by shedding the bad name of 'sectional interest' and winning the support of less-privileged workers and the general public. The environmental movements struggle to increase their leverage by building a united front with disprivileged victims of corporate environmental practices. Thus, in each case, the sequence of strategies converges around efforts to combine leverage and ideological power.
起訖頁 1-47
關鍵詞 運動實力運動軌跡制衡力理念力movement powermovement trajectoryleverage powerideological power
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200812 (16期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 企業因應勞退新制策略之探討;整合資源依賴理論及新制度論的分析




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