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Discovering the 'Developmentally Delayed': Scientific Knowledge, Power Techniques and Social Ordering
作者 曾凡慈
An 'Early Intervention' program was introduced formally into Taiwan in the 1990s, while making 'developmentally delayed' a new category for identifying early childhood bodies to offer necessary health and education services. During less than two decades, a developmental surveillance network has been built across many different social worlds. Almost every child under age six is incorporated into this network of visibility. This research takes a co-production approach to elaborate this complex process, interweaving cognitive, cultural, social, political, and techno-scientific elements. Rather than giving causal priority to techno-science or society, I illustrate how the specific body images of early childhood and its material embodiments, and a surveillance network to collectively gaze upon children's development, have been co-produced. Besides constructing normalcy and disciplining normalization, science and technology can enlist different actors, including kindergarten and nursery school teachers, pediatricians and nurses, social workers, and parents, to engage in developmental surveillance and make sure their jobs remain coherent and consistent. However, these knowledge claims and technical objects have no inherent validity and reliability, which were at once products of social network and constitutive of forms of social life.
起訖頁 165-215
關鍵詞 醫療化共同生成常規化凝視發展監管治理medicalizationco-productionnormalizing gazedevelopmental surveillancegovernmentality
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200806 (15期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 市場政治:中國出口導向製鞋產業的歷史形構與轉變




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