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Attitudes toward Having a Foreign Daughter-In-Law: The Importance of Social Contact
作者 伊慶春章英華
This paper examines an important aspect of the emergence of cross-border marriage in Taiwan. The social distance expressed toward four major types of foreign brides--Mainland Chinese, South East Asian Chinese, Vietnamese, and other countries in South East Asia--is examined in the hypothetical context of a son marrying the specified foreign bride. Since marriage in typical Chinese culture has been an important family matter, having a foreign daughter-in-law from the parents' perspective is a culturally significant situation. The theoretical framework is derived from the classical contact hypothesis with an intention to compare the relative importance between political factors versus social contact in explaining the marital social distance revealed. Data are taken from the 2004 Social Image Telephone Survey with a random, island-wide sample of 1,217 adults. Based on Bogardus's and Allport's hypothesis, social contact is categorized into general contact and true contact. The results indicate that, consistent with previous findings, political attitudes such as political inclination and ethnic evaluation are most salient, but both types of social contact significantly reduce the social distance toward different types of foreign brides. No possible negative effect from casual contact in terms of widening social distance is found. The importance of social contact in reducing ethnic antagonism is thus supported. Furthermore, the interaction between political factors and social contact does not reach significance for all types of foreign bride, and adding the interaction effect also does not alter significant relations found with various political indicators. The paper argues that the larger political social atmosphere provides opportunities of social contact between different ethnic groups and will thus serve as an effective mechanism contributing to better ethnic relations in Taiwan.
起訖頁 191-232
關鍵詞 社會接觸社會距離外籍通婚族群態度政治態度social contactsocial distancecross-border marriagesethnic attitudespolitical attitudes
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200612 (12期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 重探台灣的政體轉型:如何看待1970年代國民黨政權的「正當化」




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