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Public Attitudes toward Taiwan's Immigration Policies
作者 陳志柔于德林
近年來,台灣社會迅速增加的大陸配偶和東南亞配偶,以及由此而生的移民政策爭議及社會關懷,都引起政府及國人的注意。在經驗層次上,本文企圖釐清哪些因素影響了民眾對外來配偶移民政策的態度;在理論層次上,本文與國外有關移民態度的文獻對話,檢視台灣經驗在多大程度上呼應了相關的理論命題,同時也參考台灣族群關係的在地研究與理論命題,以便更適切地解釋相關的經驗現象。分析資料來自2004 年6 月在台灣地區的電話訪問,主要發現包括:族群和國家認同這兩個因素,都明顯影響了台灣民眾對於大陸配偶和東南亞配偶取得公民權的態度;政黨支持和族群成見影響了給予大陸配偶公民權的態度,但卻沒有影響給予東南亞配偶公民權的態度。由此可見民眾對於社會政策的態度傾向,並不是受到階級利益或與異族接觸經驗的影響,而是受到政黨動員與政治論述的影響。
This paper examines the social factors that influence individuals' attitudes toward Taiwan's immigration policies. Since the early 1990s, Taiwan has witnessed the number of its 'bride immigrants,' mainly from China and Vietnam, increase rapidly, thus drawing much attention and concern from policy makers and ordinary citizens. Based on data from a phone survey conducted in 2004, this paper finds (1) ethnicity and national identity both have significant effects on people's attitudes toward immigration policies for bride immigrants emanating from China and Southeast Asia; (2) party support and ethnic bias affect people's attitudes toward immigration policies for Chinese bride immigrants, but not for those from Southeast Asian countries; and (3) social context and cross-group contacts have little effect on people's attitudes regarding this issue. This paper shows that people's attitudes about social policies in Taiwan are shaped mainly by partisan competition and political rhetoric, instead of their economic self-interest and crossgroup contacts.
起訖頁 95-148
關鍵詞 移民政策大陸配偶/新娘外籍配偶/新娘移民態度immigration policiesChinese immigrantsVietnamese immigrantspublic attitudes toward immigration
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200512 (10期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 社會變遷中的夫妻資源與家務分工:台灣七○年代與九○年代社會文化脈絡的比較
該期刊-下一篇 歷史的轉向:社會科學與歷史敘事的結合




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