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Ethnicity, Gender and Class: Ethnic Difference in Taiwan's Educational Attainment Revisited
作者 陳婉琪
There has been a significant gap in educational attainment between mainlanders and other ethnic groups in Taiwan, especially in the early postwar years. Existing studies did not provide consistent answers about whether ethnicity has an effect on educational attainment, net of parents' education and socioeconomic background. Focusing on the probability of obtaining a bachelor degree, this study found that the mainlander effect varies not only with birth cohort but also with gender and class. The findings include: first, mainlander effect was significantly stronger among females than among males in the early years due to greater gender egalitarianism within the mainlander group. Second, whereas no ethnicity effect was observed among those from highly-educated families, the probability of attending college for mainlander offspring from lesseducated families was significantly higher than for other ethnic groups, even after further controlling for the 'public sector' effect and the number of siblings. Ethnic difference in gender egalitarianism accounts for the early-year net effect to some degree. However, there are still some features left unexplained. Possible explanations to be explored include: language capital, social capital formed within mainlander villages, and new immigrants' atypical motivations.
起訖頁 1-40
關鍵詞 省籍族群性別階級教育成就ethnic groupgenderclasseducational attainment
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200512 (10期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 社會變遷中的夫妻資源與家務分工:台灣七○年代與九○年代社會文化脈絡的比較




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