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評《Crushing the Berlin Wall of Sociology: A Review Essay on The Babel Tower of Ideas》
作者 Tony Tam (Tony Tam)
The Babel Tower of Ideas is a major piece of scholarship by Professor Chi-chan Yeh, one of the most influential and charismatic sociologists who has also been a prolific mentor for multiple generations of graduate students in Taiwan’s premier department of sociology at National Taiwan University. The book represents a milestone synthesis of Professor Yeh’s decades-long research in sociological theory. Substantively, it is an attempt to understand and critique the anthropological premises and the quintessential images of modern society as developed by Western sociologists. Professor Yeh’s signature is evident throughout the book-a longing for originality and breadth driven by a provocative and creative mind.
起訖頁 215-240
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200506 (9期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 回首新身體的舊時路:評《亞細亞的新身體》




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